Tuesday, February 2, 2010

OUR SKI TRIP.... Beech Mtn.

Greeetings from Beech Mtn.

Greg and Chad

This chalk board was in the kitchen. It only had the AHHHH HHHa on it and everyone pictched in drawing parts.. It quickly turned into a bathroom scene... What a group of weirdos!!!

This room became a perfect play room for the girls it was joined to the kitchen and dining room.. . Jaci the next day woke up and asked me at 5am if she could go play dolly's with Audrey...

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Hot tub dwellers...

I had already gotten out... But what a spot to relax and watch skiiers..

Steve.... AHHH... I cant reach more beer....

Mom and Deb were seriouse about "Smarkley" They know who im talkin about.. LOL

Audrey little .. is not so little anymore..

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Jaci and Audrey... AWWWWWWW

Mom and Deb... Mom has a tag issue....

Mom and Deb... AWWWWWWW



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All our ski stuff...

Greg ready to go...

It was all white monday morning

Jaci doing some Wii boxing..

This was a wicker moose head..I wanted to take it home..

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Jaci and Alia playing in the snow trying to make a snow man. but the snow wasnt right

Cuteness in the snow..

Mom was ready to go out...

Jaci was not ready to go in...

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Mom searching for the crew....

Mom and i on the lift

View from the top

Keith and Audrey and mom....

Audrey had so much fun.. She did great!!

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Excitement .. High Fives..

Mom dad steve and greg reviewing the jump greg and steve had done...

What a wonderful trip!!

ripleys believe it or not.....

We took a detour on our way home to Gatlinburg.. The Ripleys Believe it or Not Aquarium


Watch out for the Piranahs

Mud skipper.. or what ever theyre called

Jaci was able to go under this cylinder tank.. it was beautiful!!!

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These cat fish were bigger than jaci!!

we used to have one of these guys.. but it was only 10 inches.. Tiger shovel nose cat fish.

I finaly got this shot jaci was daincing infront of this tank it was funny.


This guy was just layin on top of the tunnel

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Going into the tunnel!!

Jaci and Greg check out the horseshoe crabs

Jaci and the puffer fish

These tanks were soo cool..


What cute seahorses

Jaci the great underwater explorer

Watch out for JAWS

Jelly fish... beautiful!!!!